While doing some gardening today I discovered that the lilies of the valley were flowering, such a heavenly scent. I picked some for the house and got to play around with taking photos, then experimenting with editing, it is after all the weekend, we worked hard all day, and anyhow I have got writer’s block right now. I have one favourite among these pictures, I wonder would anyone guess which one. πŸ™‚Β  Have a lovely weekend everyone.





25 thoughts on “LILIES OF THE VALLEY

  1. I know about writers’ block; I have not written a poem for a long time. Like you I find that there are other things to do; like writing this blog. I figured if I keep writing, one day the poetry will return. If not, well I’ve become a blogger πŸ™‚ Photography seems to suit you right now πŸ™‚

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    1. Haha dear Mary, you are right! Not to worry, there is a time and place for everything under the sun, and right now for me it is, like you say, photography, in fact I want to edit and more or less sort all my photos of the Maltese islands, almost 2000 of them πŸ™‚

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  2. hi sis, my guess is the second one from the top, love it, but I also love the one on the red cloth, the contrast is beautiful, as it also is with a dark background. Don’t worry about the writer’s block, I am sure it will leave you some time, anyway there are plenty things to do and you enjoy the photographing so much! At the moment I am following the advise of Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way)… have a nice day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes the second one from the top with the grey background also appealed to me very much, maybe because of the background πŸ™‚ Lovely that you are doing the Artist’s Way, great inspiration I believe.


  3. wonderful post, dear Agnes, which shows your deep love for flowers and nature. I would prefer the first photo, but I don’t know which one you like best. Have a sunny day, regards Mitza

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      1. thanks a lot for your approval of my comment, Jan. I like sensitive people that can smell flowers by looking at them. I feel the same. Have a nice day, regards Mitza

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