The Indian summer looks as if it has come to an end for the time being, that does not mean that October cannot be a great month though. We have had showers which are really welcome in the garden. There is more wind and the leaves, now in browns and yellows are flying all over the place, yes it is autumn – big time – and I love it, though not so much the dark days without any sun at all.

The garden birds have come back, plenty of sparrows this year, but I am delighted to say that we have a variety of tits, including blue tits, coal tits and the great tit, and this morning I saw a gold crest, these are the little birds in the pine and the birch tree that I had difficulty identifying, that is because I could only hear them, not see them properly, but this morning one was feeding at the bird table, what a lovely sight, I hope to catch them on camera one of these days. I’ve also seen gold finches, and we are planning to plant some thistles next year especially to see these lovely creatures feeding. It was the garden next door where it was full of thistles that attracted the gold finches into the area last year, this year though our neighbour cut all his grass, and also the thistles, a pity that is for the birds. Our robin is still around too, and the collared doves have returned, of course we always have the rooks and jackdaws, and so far I have noticed quite a few starlings too. Finches always abound in our garden, they are great users of the bird table. Other than that there is the resident wren, some blackbirds and the occasional song thrush. So delighted all over as we both enjoy these birds very much.

And this morning I planted out some round black radish among the leeks, looking forward to cooking with them later in the winter. I picked another generous bunch of sweet peas, they are still flowering profusely, and beautifully scented. The roses too are in full bloom. I was surprised to find an evening primrose plant flowering among other herbs this week, I sowed these during spring and then forgot about them, a lovely yellow flower and medicinal herb.  Some of the other produce still in the garden is the broccoli and some of that is for dinner tonight, lovely freshly picked.

Still seedlings are coming up and these plants will go into the cold frames later on, it are winter salad leaves mostly. Though I was out of action for a whole week, it is always great to spend time in the garden no matter what the weather.
Recovered Autosave

21 thoughts on “AUTUMN GARDEN

  1. what a beautiful and enchanted little gallery with wonderful autumnal colors, Agnes. We have nearly all the birds you stated, too. Do you have woodpeckers, too? Have a wonderful autumn, which is not my favorite season. I prefer summer. Kind regards Mitza

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here we have no woodpeckers though I believe they can be found in Ireland. My garden is urban, in a terraced street, so I am so very happy with the birds I do have and always try to attract more. I forgot to say that we have dunnocks here too.


      1. yes, we have bullfinches, dunnocks, great woodpeckers, green woodpeckers, treecreepers, owls etc. We live at the boundaries of Hamburg in a green area with woods, a very calm street. It’s really interesting to hear what kind of birds you have in Ireland. In Greece we saw a lot of very beautiful birds like herons, kingfishers, owls and hoopoos etc. But they are very, very timid because people are still hunting them, unfortunately. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      2. that is a great pity, such beautiful birds being hunted. Here people used to hunt a variety of birds, on second Christmas day they used to even hunt for wrens – barbaric! Our street is very quiet too, and I have five trees in my garden which the birds love, plus a lot of hedging, ( too much in fact) 🙂


      3. These little wrens are not hunted anymore now thank goodness. Yes we do have lots of rain, too much really, we also lack sunshine, we might have grey skies for days, day in day out……….

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      4. tomorrow and Sunday we will have a lot of sun. I’m happy. Thanks for your good wishes and your friendship, dear Agnes, have a lovely week-end, regards Mitza

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  2. We are looking at Spring gardens here but sadly not much to see in our garden, although I’m probably depreciating things a little too much. WE have a very hardy red rose bush which had not only survived the drought and water restrictions but my health crises and have about 5 roses on it at the moment. We get some rainbow lorrikeets occasionally, sulfur-crested cockatoos and magpies. We live near the beach and there are ducks everywhere and plenty of ducklings so it’s not uncommon for cars to pull up nd let mother duck and ducklings to cross the road. My husband said that mother duck needs better traffic sense but I told him that mother duck has learned that the cars stop. Well, most of the time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely story! When we were in Holland some years ago, there the geese would cross the roads too with their young ones, it was so lovely to see. Your garden sounds nice with such a hardy rose bush in it, and birds too. I hope your health is better now, I have found that doing the garden did improve my health problem very much. Wish you to enjoy and good health.

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  3. I am impressed that you know so many bird names/can identify the birds.

    I have a notion that the leaves of autumn are later this year but at last it is happening here, too.

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