What a most beautiful day here in West Cork, glorious sunshine and 20C, so excellent weather to work in. And a project was waiting to be done, so no better day than right now. Bought two cold frames early last spring, and they needed some repairs (storm damage) and also they needed to be fastened better (for the next storm). I got a loan of Ian’s electric saw, and cut some lengths of timber, and I had to screw these in so as to stop the plastic flying around at the bottom. I love using this little screwdriver, love the feeling of the screw going into the wood, as if the wood was butter, so easy. Anyway after a few hours of work, with rest periods in between, the work was done and the two cold frames are now ready for planting out young vegetables to harvest during the winter months. I have salad leaves ready to go in, also will probably plant in some of my young beetroots, and the black radish, it is about time I make up my mind about it, but what I really want from these cold frames are good honest down to earth vegetables to cook meals from, not fancy experiments like the bitter gourd that I tried to grow during the summer. Ok I will be trying out new vegetables again next spring, I cannot resist the temptation, but as for this winter I just want to fill the cold frames with food, it will be my first time growing stuff in a sort of greenhouse (which is what these cold frames are really). I shall be reading up on suggestions.

Meanwhile, though wrecked, I am really happy this evening about the work I was able to do, so satisfying to get it done.

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My greatest tool, the screwdriver!   And inside the cold frame sides all secured and closed off.


Ready for planting stuff in now, another job done to prepare for winter.

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Teaching one of my grandchildren about ‘soil’ and it’s importance.  And a super great caterpillar found and distributed to the wild fields.


One of the poppy’s a single one this time, still quite a few flowers in bloom this autumn.


  1. I’ve never tried a cold frame before. I was hoping to one day, but I have plenty of heat and sunshine here!

    Sounds like you’ve had a perfect day outdoors! Now you deserve a rest. Well done Agnes!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s the beautiful thing about landscaping. You just chip away at it your whole life. Next thing you know, you’ve done the work of a hundred men and created a oasis. The fun is in the journey.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m toying with the idea of a cold frame, too. I enjoyed having my greenhouse while it lasted but really I would like the benefit of a sturdy structure for seedlings and small overwintering vegetables.

    Do you think the black radish will need cover on the winter? (My seeds have arrived, by the way.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think the black radish needs cover during the winter either actually, and might even do better without, especially as the winter here are mild. How cold does it get where you are Helen?


      1. It depends on the winter but night time temperatures possibly just below freezing, daytime temperature 5-10 degrees. If cabbages can survive and radishes are part of the same family, I think you could be right that they would probably prefer not to be covered.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Great job on that coldframe! That’s reminded me I’ve got a stack of planks and old window just waiting for me to make mine! It’ll be my first go at making one and the first time using a frame over winter here!

    Liked by 1 person

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