These days I enjoy a weekly journey through the Caha mountains on my way to see my husband Ian in Kenmare. It is a most beautiful journey, not only along the Bantry Bay towards sub-tropic Glengarriff where at the moment the rhododendrons are still in full flower, but following the N71 up to and through the tunnel separating county Cork and county Kerry.

Looking into a most beautiful glacial valley.
Sugarloaf Mountain in the distance.
Rododendrons alongside the road.
Looking back towards the bay.
Bonane which I come to once through the tunnels. This is in Co Kerry now.
The interesting rock formations along the road.
The Glenn valley.

It is such a lovely journey.  I do it once a week. My dear husband Ian is now resident in a nursing home in Kenmare.  It’s about 74km from here.  It’s a different way of life for us both, but we are adjusting and making the best of what life offers.


  1. You are gold. So mucho LOVE in your weekly journey. Very precious landscape indeed. Thank you so mucho for sharing

    Sunny love heartgreetings from Spain


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  2. Wat een mooie landschappen. Puur natuur. Mooie kleurcombinaties. Soms veranderen dingen in het leven en moeten we er het beste van proberen te maken .oedig van u alle weken die trip te ondernemen .Wens julle allebei het beste toe

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wat een positieve ingesteldheid, mijn respect voor jullie beiden. Het is een prachtige reis maar toch ook wel vermoeiend vermoed ik. Ik wens jullie allebei het beste toe.

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