On this fine Saturday afternoon, two of my grandchildren and I decided to go for a walk on a land that leads towards the townland of Milland and to Russagh Mill Hostel. It was a fine distance and totally in pastural land. Ruben had come with his binoculars and his notebook, he wanted to draw some pictures of what he would see and find. Alice wanted to take photos of anything that would please her eyes; leaves, trees, plants and ourselves. I merely wanted the walk in nature and to see plenty of green countryside. (and take phots of course). We were not disappointed and between climbing some roadside trees and rocks and walk at leisure we had a wonderful time. I did not climb the trees though.

Laneway running towards the townland of Milland, a part of Skibbereen
Nice to see the land being tilled, I wonder what crops will be grown
This is where the laneway stops or becomes private and then this Boreen connects with Russagh Mill Hostel.
Celandine flower and lovely leaves
Some of the trees along this lane are very beautiful, even if only in silhouette
And here is what Ruben drew in his copy book.
The grass was so very green and the landscape flowing

I was delighted when Ruben got out his copybook and pencil and started to draw what he saw, though I had to watch him as he plonked himself into the middle of the laneway at first and there might be the odd car passing. He was totally oblivious to all that, just wanted to do his thing. He is such a delightful boy.

Our walk took us over two hours and was well worth it. Towards the end Alice picked some dandelion leaves which she wanted to give to our two new canary birds. We came home and made a big pot of spaghetti Bolognese which was soon emptied by my now hungry grandkids.

What better to do on a January Saturday 🙂 we loved every minute.

27 thoughts on “A FINE NATURE WALK

    1. Ja lieve David, uw neefje is een wonderkind, we houden allemaal zo veel van hem, hij is guitig en altijd blij gezind. En zijn interesse in de natuur is gewoon fantastisch. Dank u David.


      1. Hey tanteke,wij vertrekken normaal gezien in Roeselare op 20 mei 2020 met de auto.
        We zouden dan donderdagavond 21 mei aankomen met de ferry in Rosslare en daar overnachten ook.
        Dan de vrijdagochtend 22 mei vertrekken van daar richting Skibbereen met nog enkele tussenstops,
        om dan vrijdag in de late namiddag aan te komen in Skibbereen !
        We zien er al echt naar uit om jullie allemaal terug te zien .. !!
        Lieve groetjes van ons allen xxx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Emma. I planned this walk not only for the children but also because I needed to see a lot of green, green is a calming and healing colour and I needed this yesterday. Funny thing is that I have never seen the grass so green to be honest.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Derrick, I would put on more beautiful photos of my grandchildren but my daughter and I agreed that I cannot do this, so I make sure that I have some pictures to share without their faces 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Kleinkinderen met interesse voor de natuur, hoe zalig is dat om een wandeling te maken in die prachtige natuur waar jij woont. Tekenen wat je ziet en fotograferen wat je ogen opmerken … Zalig!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for that beautiful piece. I enjoyed the pictures and the txt. so nice to see things second hand as well as first – i.e. through someone else’s eyes. I also loved the blog about the birds – I’ll watch my own feeders now and see if that black cap is visiting me too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dank u voor de identity van het geel bloempje Marylou. Ja inderdaad wandelen laat je waarnemingsvermogen toenemen en dat alleen al is zo waardevol wat het geluk ligt in the schoonheid van kleine dingen, van het waarnemen ervan 🙂


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