A golden sun was setting soon after four thirty this evening, it had been a dark day but, as often happens, around sunset the sun came out and like a wizard transformed everything with a golden glow. The roses which are still flowering abundantly took on a magical luminosity, that’s the only way I can describe what I saw, it was magical, I was so happy that I happen to glance out through the window and saw what was going on. This made my evening and banished for a while the sad thoughts going through my head with what is happening in the larger world right now, how whole families and little children are now looking at these same skies scared of what is to come, scared of, not a beautiful sunset, but of what destruction and death may be coming their way. I’m learning to find peace deep inside me so that I can be strong in sharing out peaceful thoughts in the hope that it will help bring about peace on a larger scale. Is this possible? I am not sure, but ‘peace’ does start with each one of us, in our immediate circle, in ourselves.
Let there be only peace!

18 thoughts on “HOPEFUL LIGHT

  1. If only more people could see the light of peace. Lovely piece and love the photos too especially the tree silhouetted against the sky.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, we’re stepping on the one earth and under the same sky yet we’ve drawn borders to exclude others. The Australian media would broadcast one Australian death but would ignore the thousands, some of whom we are responsible for. Let’s hope that those in peril can also take comfort in the beauty of sunrise and sunset, and hopefully continue to see them until they are out of danger.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I agree, lovely unset and so sad that for many there are too many grave preoccupations to appreciate it. I think that creating peace in ourselves much have a positive effect somewhere along the line….. The ripple effect?

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